When you cart a baby around with you 24/7 you're going to have people ask about the baby. Most of the time they ask how old he is. I don't really have people ask me if Remington is a boy or girl- I think he definitely looks like a boy and I usually have him dressed in blue. One weird thing people ask is if he's a good baby... How are you supposed to respond to that? No, he's always disobeying and back talking me. One more night of his crying and I'm shipping him off to military school. I mean, what do people expect you to say? I just respond with, Yes, he's pretty good.
I haven't updated about Remington's 2 month doctor appointment yet, so here it is: Remington's doctor appointment was last Wednesday (Dec. 30). He was weighed first thing and was 9 pounds 11 1/2 ounces! I'm so glad he's continuing to gain weight. He's still in the 10th %ile though. He hasn't gotten any longer- 21 1/4 inches (5th %ile), or a bigger head either- 15 inches (10th %ile). The doctor didn't seem concerned though since we had so many problems at first. Just as long as he's going, it's okay for now. The doctor checked his heart, lungs, and movement. He has good neck control when he's sitting upright, but still can't quite support it when he's lifted from being on his back. It was amusing when she was trying to get him to lift and turn his head when laying on his stomach. She put him on his stomach on the doctor table thing and had me go to the side in which he didn't have his head turned. Then she had me talk to him and try to get him to lift and turn his head to see me. He tried so hard. He just kicked his legs and flailed around so much she thought he was going to roll over (which he didn't- he can't quite accomplish that milestone yet). He kicked and kicked until he was rotating himself around to face me. It was very cute. Even though he can't quite turn his head, he's pretty good on milestones.
I thought the doctor was going to give him his 2 month immunizations, but apparently I have to set that up with the health department. I'll give them a call on Monday.
Tomorrow I have to go back to work. I'm so not looking forward to it. It will be nice to get a break from Remington, but I know I'll miss him too. I'm just worried about how much I stress about work anyway that now it's going to be worse since I'm stressed taking care of Remington. Tomorrow won't be so bad since my mom will be watching him at our house, but then it's off to daycare. I've blogged about daycare before here and here. I'll let you know how the first week back to work goes, until then...
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